- No 1. March-April 1990
- No 2 May-June, 1990
- No 3. July - August, 1990
- No 4. September, October, 1990
- No 5. November, December 1990
- No 6. January, February 1991
Adventures of Abraham and Joseph .... 19
Annual Meeting ....................... 13, 59, 107
Annual Report..................................... 108
Barborka, Geoffrey A...... 16, 42, 117, 139
Beaconsfield Study Centre ................... 14
Beauty of Sophia, The........................ 127
Birth (poem).......................................... 97
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna...... 25, 34, 87
American Corresp. of ........ 77, 101, 135
Centenary, May 1991................ 87, 131
Voyage with....................................... 34
Burnier, Radha........................................ 8
Buxey, Dinshaw J. ................................ 14
Calgary Lodge .......... 14, 38, 60, 110, 133
Carter, John ........................................ 134
Centenary Year................................... 121
Chatwin, Doreen ................................... 38
Classical Age, The Inspiration of .......... 49
Davy, Doris ........ 14, 25, 38, 60, 38, 92, 110, 133
Davy, Ted G. .... 18, 44, 45, 90, 93, 112, 119, 122, 141
Edmonton T.S....................... 61, 110, 133
Elder, S..................................... 15, 40, 49
Elements, The............................. 117, 139
"Endexoteric" Interpretations........... 40, 70
Endexoteric-Restoration of Balance ........ 88
Esoteric Physiology......................... 16, 42
Felt, George Henry ............................... 64
Gering, Gay .................................... 40, 91
Gomes, Michael .... 2, 27, 63, 77, 101, 135
H.P.B.'s American Correspondence ..........77, 101, 135
Hanson, Virginia ................................... 93
Hassanein, Suzanne....................... 14, 39
Hermes Lodge ........................ 38, 86, 111
"H-Factor": An Experiment in Allegory....... 55
Hughes, Claude .................................... 88
Hundred Years of Service, A.............. 122
Inspiration of the Classical Age, The.... 49
Jaqua, Mark ........................................ 41
Journals mentioned:
Pathways........................................... 45
Sunrise .............................................. 45
Theosophical History ...................... 112
Theosophist, The............................... 93
Judge, William Quan (portrait) ................ 1
Karma, Justice and Freewill.......... 73, 113
Krotona Programs......................... 70, 130
Laudahn, William R....................... 19, 127
Letters ............................... 14, 15, 85, 134
Mahatma Letters Trust.......................... 33
Notes and Comments ...... 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131
Berry, Fleetwood B............................ 11
Bruder, Max....................................... 35
Campbell, Gaile................................. 83
Griffiths, John ....................................11
Lind, Naemi .....................................107
Mitchell, Jocelyn Taylor..................... 35
Stone, Phoebe .................................. 83
Yorke, Winnifred Mollie ..................... 35
Zuk, David .........................................83
Occult Brotherhood, The Primary Purpose of the .........57
Olcott, Henry S:
and the American Press...................... 2
On Coming Into Being .......................... 39
Pelletier, Ernest E................................. 41
Pelletier, Rogelle................... 61, 110, 133
Phan Chon Ton .................................... 41
Pistis Sophia, The................................. 18
Plummer, L. Gordon ............................. 98
Presidential Address ............................... 8
Primary Purposes of the Occult Brotherhood, The ....... 57
Ramsay, Ron ...................................... 112
Reader's Notes, A........... 45, 93, 112, 141
Reminiscences of Original American Theosophists..... 30
Children's Booklist............................ 141
Intimations (audio tape)..................... 92
Jung and the Lost Gospels ............... 44
Jungian Synchronicity: Astrological Signs and Ages..... 69
Karma: Rhythmic Return to Harmony ....119
Perennial Wisdom, The (video)......... 91
Pistis Sophia (trans.) .........................18
Theosophy versus Neo-Theosophy ..... 90
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section .... 16, 42, 117, 139
Sharp, Eva.............................. 38, 86, 111
Smythe, Albert E.S. (portrait) ............. 126
Sophia, The Beauty of ........................ 127
Spaight, John........................................ 85
Stevens, Reg. M............................. 42,55
Studies in Early American Theosophical History ..... 2, 27, 63, 77, 101, 135 Subba Row Medal Award ..................... 93
Sutcliffe, Joan ............................... 73, 113
Theosophical Biographies..................... 14
Theosophical History ..................... 85, 134
Treloar, S. ..... 11, 35, 42, 59, 70, 83, 107, 108, 131
Toronto Theosophical Society ..... 87, 122
Universal Brotherhood ..........................15
Vancouver Lodge.................................. 38
van Hees, Laetitia ................................. 69
Victoria Lodge..................................... 112
Voyage with Madame Blavatsky .......... 34
Weaver, Sheila M. ................................ 97
Weeks, Nicholas ...................................57
Westbrook, R.B..................................... 30
Wiggins, James Henry ......................... 64
Wood, Emory P. ............................. 35, 61
World Tree, The.................................... 98
"You Do Not Know Me" ........................ 25