- No 1. March-April 1989
- No 2 May-June, 1989
- No 3. July - August, 1989
- No 4. September, October, 1989
- No 5. November, December 1989
- No 6. January, February 1990
AE (pseud. George W. Russell) .......1, 3, 34
All of Us Must Die................................... 82
Animals and Earthquakes ..................... 103
Annual Meeting ................................ 59, 107
Annual Report ....................................... 109
Ball, Eunice........................................ 42,63
Barborka, Geoffrey A........ 20, 46, 67, 90, 115
Barr, Dudley W. ......................................97
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna.................... 26
Initial Spiritualist Response to............. 27
(portrait) ...............................................25
Voyage with ....................................... 121
Braille Edition of S.D.
Q&A Section ........................................ 91
Brown, Elbridge Gerry ............................14
Burnier, Radha.......................................... 4
Calgary Lodge ......13, 39, 63, 64, 85, 111, 133
Carman, Bliss, meets Charles Lazenby.......................94
Chatwin, Doreen .....................................40
Christmas Magic .....................................97
Clairvoyance, Normal .............................. 65
Colombo, John Robert ............................ 21
Comfort, Will Levington........................... 38
Cooper, Gladys................................ 45, 117
Coulsting, Jean .....................................105
Davy, Doris ................ 13, 39, 63, 85, 111, 133
Davy, Ted .........19, 21, 43, 47, 69, 73, 86, 92, 93, 103, 118, 139
Dick, Fred J. .............................................3
Earthquakes ..........................................115
Animals and ......................................103
Edmonton Lodge ........................39, 62, 133
Elder, S............................................ 49, 129
Election Results ............................ 59, 60, 61 "Endexoteric"........................................... 123
Eternal Feminine, The, and the Wisdom-Religion ........... 98
F.J.D. (see Dick, Fred J.)
Fohat.................................................. 20, 46
Fortas, A.N.............................................. 58
Fuller, Jean Overton ...............................38
Gering, Gay ..........................................137
Gilmour, Dorita...................................... 111
Gomes, Michael ...................... 14, 27, 51, 76, 93, 112, 124
Gurus, Views on ...................................105
H.P.B. In Memoriam (poem)................... 26
Hassanein, Suzanne ............................. 111
Healing ............................................... 17,58
Hermes Lodge .....................64, 85, 117, 135
Hooper, Lillian ......................................... 86
Huston, John ......................................... 133
Impressions of the 113th Convention .......8
J. (Mrs. Julia Keightley) ............................2
Journals mentioned:
Hermes.............................................. 140
Holistic Science and Human Values ...47
Protogonos ..........................................47
Theosophical Digest ............................ 11
Vidya .................................................140
Viewpoint Aquarius ............................ 140
Judge, William Q.......................................2
Keightley, Julia .......................................... 2
Key to Theosophy, The ..........................73
Krotona Programs ............................ 70, 135
Lakin, Peter ............................................... 8
Laudahn, William R.................................98
Lazenby, Charles A. ..........................37, 94
Life Atoms .......................................... 67, 90
Magnificent Old Lion ...............................94
Mussallem, Frances Lucas .....................38
Nicholas, Margaret .................................. 37
Normal Clairvoyance ............................... 65
Notes and Comments ................. 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131
Ayoub, Adeline ....................................11
Day, Theo............................................83
Dutta, Rex ...........................................86
Lacroix, Raymond .............................107
Nicholas, Margaret .........................83, 86
Sadler, Rose .....................................131
Schneider, Ida .....................................83
Stephen, Ida........................................ 45
Zuk, Michael ........................................ 83
Occult Astronomy .................................... 43
Olcott, Henry S. ..........................9, 122, 124
and the American Press, 1875.............124
Olin, Wilf .................................................40
One Behind the Scene, The ...................71
Pelletier, Ernest ....................................136
Pelletier, Rogelle......................... 39, 62, 133
Pomeroy, Elsie...................................... 118
Presidential Address ................................. 4
Publishing Centenaries ...........................73
R. (George W. Russell) ..........................26
Ramanuchary, N.C. ................................58
Reader's Notes, A........... 21, 47, 93, 118, 139
Retributive Justice ..................................... 9
Beginnings of Theosophy in France, The............. 93
Compte de Saint Germain, The ..........69
Human and Divine Universe, The .......92
Krotona of Old Hollywood, Vol. 1.......137
Mystery of Mandalas .........................139
Readers' Guide to the Mahatma Letters .......136
Senzar, The Mystery of the Mystery Language .............. 19
Voice of the Silence, The: Centenary Edition ........... 92
When the Snakes Awake .................. 103
Russell, George W....................... 1, 3, 26, 34
Saunders, Henry S. ..............................118
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section .....20, 46, 67, 90, 91, 115
Sharp, Eva.................................. 64, 85, 135
Smythe, Albert E.S. ................................82
Song of the Danann Children ...............129
Studies in Early American Theosophical History ......... 14, 27, 38, 51,76, 112, 124
Superstring Theory .................................83
Theosophical Biographies ....................... 58
Theosophical History, Studies in Early American ........ 14, 27, 38, 51, 76, 112, 124
Thought Mountain (poem) ....................111
Today's Problems ...................................49
To Felaz.................................................. 71
Toronto Lodge .................................40,133
Treloar, S.................... 11, 35, 59, 60, 83, 107, 109, 131
Triennial Election 1989................. 59, 60, 61
Vancouver Lodge .................................... 40
van Hees, Laetitia................................. 139
Victoria Lodge ............................. 42, 63, 111
Voice of the Forest (poem) ...................140
Views on Gurus ....................................105
Voice of the Silence, The .......................73
Voyage with Mme. Blavatsky................ 121
W.Q.J. (poem) .....................................1, 34
Weaver, Sheila M. .........................118, 140