- No 1. March-April 1988
- No 2 May-June, 1988
- No 3. July - August, 1988
- No 4. September, October, 1988
- No 5. November, December 1988
- No 6. January, February 1989
After-Death States, The ..........................18
And Lazenby Could Laugh ...................106
Animals, Whitman on.............................. 94
Annual Meeting .................... 34, 59, 107, 118
Annual Report ....................................... 109
Astral Light, The ................................44, 56
Auger, Laurier.................................. 13, 118
Ball, Eunice............................................. 86
Barborka, Geoffrey............ 16, 44, 56, 87, 140
Barr, Dudley W. ........................................2
Beaconsfield Study Centre .......13, 111, 133
Besant, Annie .......................................113
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna............. 25, 114
Blavatsky the Writer ................................ 25
Books mentioned:
H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine ........... 91
Canadian Encyclopedia, The ............139
Comment sont nes l'univers et l'homme ............... 21
Key to Theosophy, The....................... 91
Solovyoff's Fraud ................................. 43
Theosophical Texts Series .................. 91
Brown, Elbridge Gerry ..........................121
Bruce, Muriel......................................... 118
Burnier, Radha..................................... 3, 51
Calgary Lodge ..................... 38, 61, 111, 133
Chatwin, Doreen .....................................63
Comfort, Will Levington (W.L.C.) ...117, 130
Cosgrove, P.D. .....................................101
Dark Light Behind the Altar ..................... 39
Davy, Doris ....................... 6, 38, 61, 111, 133
Davy, Ted ........ 15, 20, 21, 65, 68, 92, 97, 99, 113, 138, 139
Dissemination of Theosophy ................... 10
Dutta, Rex............................................... 49
Edmonton Lodge ........................13, 84, 133
Elbridge Gerry Brown and the Boston "Spiritual Scientist....... 121
Elder, S.............................................. 19, 89
Famous "Trickle- Down" Theory, The ...............135 Fohat................................................ 87, 140
Forsyth, James Whitcraft............... 112, 130
Gering, Gay ..........................................133
Golden Stairs, The.................................. 25
Gomes, Michael .................................... 121
Great Pan is Alive ................................... 80
Hamilton Lodge ....................................... 85
Hassanein, Suzanne ............................... 13
Henderson, Douglas ...............................37
Hermes Lodge ............................13, 85, 134
Hooper, Lillian ......................................... 62
Human Knowledge .................................. 89
Impressions of the Annual Meeting ......118
Interview with Radha Burnier.................. 51
Journals mentioned:
Messiah ...............................................43
Theosophical Research Journal .......... 12
Viewpoint Aquarius .............................. 22
Judge, William Quan (portrait) ..................1
Judge, W.Q............................................... 2
Keightley, Archibald ...........................29, 33
Keightley, Bertram .............................32, 33
Know Thyself ..........................................73
Krotona Programs .............................. 71, 98
Laudahn, William R..................... 39, 80, 135
Lazenby, Charles A. ..............27, 33, 99, 101
Lemieux, Pat......................................... 111
Limbrick, Gordon ....................................73
Lucas, E.A. ...........................................117
Mead, George R.S.................................. 30
Members-at-large Not Second Class Members ..............65
Montreal Study Centre ............................ 62
"Mr. Greatheart.......................................... 2
Neufeldt, Ronald .....................................68
Notes and Comments ..............11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131
Elliott, Stanley S................................133
Endersby, Victor A. ...........................139
Lazier, Katherine M.............................35
Legros, George Cardinal ..................... 43
Leonard, Harry ..................................107
Matsell, Doris ......................................35
Olcott, Henry S. ...............................27, 116
Olin, Wilf .................................................63
Oliphant, John ....................................... 139
One-Pointedness ....................................19
Orpheus Lodge .......................................62
Orthodox Science Examined ..................49
Pelletier, Ernest ......................................66
Pelletier, Rogelle................................ 66, 84
Playle, Ruth Eve .....................................64
Presidential Address .................................3
Pulch .......................................101
Reader's Notes, A.................. 21, 43, 91, 139
Reincarnation Explored ............................. 6
Algernon Blackwood: A Bio-Bibliography ................. 139
Annie Besant and Progressive Messianism ...........113
Blavatsky and Her Teachers .............115
Dawning of the Theosophical Movement, The ..................20
Echoes of the Orient, Vol. III ............... 68
Esoteric Teachings ......................... 15, 22
Mysterious Canada ...........................138
New Testament Commentaries of H.P.Blavatsky ................. 92
Reincarnation Explored .........................6
Sacred Word and Sacred Text ............ 68
Theosophia in Neo-Platonic and Christian Literature .............92
Yankee Beacon of Buddhist Light .....116
Secret Doctrine Centenary ................46, 61
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section ......16, 44, 56, 87, 140
Secret Teachings .................................... 15
Sharp, Eva.................................. 13, 85, 134
Student Survey Summary Report ........... 95
Studies in Early American Theosophical History ..... 121
Taylor, Sharon ........................................85
Teaching, Teacher and the Taught ......112
Tennyson, Alfred ..................................... 33
Theosophical Biographies ....................... 97
Theosophical Centres, Tour of ...............66
Theosophical History Conference .........119
Theosophical History, Studies in Early American .........121
Theosophy, The Dissemination of ..........10
Three Early Theosophists in Review ....113
Toronto Lodge .........................38, 59, 63, 64
Treloar, Barbara ...................................... 38
Treloar, Stan.................. 11, 34, 35, 59, 83, 107, 109, 131
Triennial Election 1989.........................111
Tulip, Allan ..............................................37
Vancouver Lodge .................................... 63
Victoria Lodge .................................. 86, 107
Wachtmeister, Constance....................... 29
Whitman, Walt ........................................94
Wilkes, Fred ............................................ 62