INDEX to The Canadian Theosophist, Vol. XXXVIII
- No 1.March, April 1957
- No 2 May, June 1957
- No 3. July, August 1957
- No 4. September, October 1957
- No 5. November, December 1957
- No 6. January, February 1958
Annual Election ............. 131
Baldwin, Laura .................62
Barr, Dudley W. .............. 63, 82, 117-19, 126-129
Blavatsky, H.P., The Road .......... 13, 38
Madame ........... 25-30, 40-5, 140
Writing of The Secret Doctrine .........68-71
Golden Stairs, The ............ 71
Brotherhood ........... 66-7
Brook, Hazel ...........66-7
Brotherhood and Theosophical Movement ............ 94-5
Buddhist Society, London ........... 39
Confucius, The Wisdom of .............. 73-80, 101,106, 110-11, 131
Convention, The American ...........84-6
Correspondence .......... 13, 86, 132-133
Dalzell, Mrs N. ........... 49-54
Damodar Mavalankar .................. 141
Gaunt, Laura ............... 97-101
General Secretary,
Notes and Comments by .......10-11, 34-6, 58-9, 83, 109, 130-131
God that Walks Like a Man .............. 82
Griffith, Mrs. R.H. ............25-30, 40-5, 54-7, 121-125, 137-140
Hammer and the Anvil .............14-16
Harris, Iverson L. ....... 73-80, 87-9, 101-106, 110-11
How Shall We Pray? ................ 20-3
Kaleidoscope, The ............... 62
Karma ............... 16-7
Karma and Accidents ................126-129, 142-143
Letters, Mahatma Trust Library .............. 38-9
Mahatma, The ................... 140
Masters of Wisdom, The ............... 49-54
Morrow, Creating Thy ................16-7
Belcher, Mrs. Elizabeth ............ 60
Harrison, Mr. A. J. ............. 11
Henderson, Miss Mary ................. 131
Kinman, Mrs. Mary ................ 107
Tallman, Mr. Harry J. .............. 107
Williams, Mr. Cecil .............. 62
Occultism, What is ..............80-1
Orpheus Lodge ....................14-6, 31-3, 45-7
Phoenix Lodge ............. 13, 38, 108
Pomeroy, Elsie ............ 6-9
Prayer ........... 20-3
Ram, Mr. N. Sri, Presidential Address to 81st International
Convention ........... 1-5
Real Knowledge .............. 141
Redfern, T. H. ................. 90-2
Reincarnation: We Have Been Here Before .............. 54-7
Reviews and Notes
Opening of the Doors of the Mind ........... 63
Have You Lived Other Lives? .............. 63-4
Sea Priestess, The ........ 64
Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage ............ 64
Through the Gates of Death ..............64
An Historian's Approach to Religion .............. 87-9
Candles in the Sun .............117-19
The Theory of Eternal Life ...........134
"Till We Meet . . ." ................134-136
The Wisdom of Confucius ...........136-137
Road, The .................. 13, 38
Roberts, Sir Chas. G. D., The Mystic .............. 6-9
Rossetti, Christina ............... 86
Row, T. Subba ................... 80-1
Rule 10 - More on .................. 90-3
Secret Doctrine, The Writing of the ............ 68-71, 109-10
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ............... 97-101
Spinks, F. Pierce ............. 111-16
Stairs, The Golden ................... 71
Theosophical Movement, The,
May, 1953 ..............119
How Shall We Pray? ............... 20-3
Theosophical Society, 81st International
Convention, 1956, Presidential Report ............ 1-5, 17-20
Theosophical Society in Canada,
Executive Meetings of ........... 11-13, 36-7, 110
General Election ........... 37
Annual Meeting .............. 59-60
Standing of the Lodges .............. 61
Financial Statement ................ 61
Theosophical Unity ................. 111-16
Theosophy, a Doctrine of Relationships ........121, 125, 137-140
Theosophy, Practical, The Hammer and the Anvil ............14-16
The Truth Seeker ............31-33, 45-7
Tiplin, Winifred ............. 16-17
Toronto Lodge ..................... 64
Truths, The Three .......47
Truth, Seeker, The ............. 31-3, 45-7
United Lodge of Theosophists,
Annual Letter of the .............65-6
Uphill ................86
We Have Been Here Before ............ 54-7