An old tin cup, A vision ................ 287

And What of Art? ............276

Annual Convention of The T.S. ..........364

Annual Election ...........362

Art of Living, The ........... 9

Attractive Lodge Rooms ............ 126

Authority ............. 39

"Authority" .............. 93

Besant, Chakravarti - Judge, the T.S. ........... 305

Belcher, Tributes to the late Felix A. .........13

Belcher., Glimpses of Felix A. ............. 42

Belcher, Funeral Service of Mr. ............50

Better to work on Farm ............... 91

Blavatsky, "Transactions" ............ 162

Buddha, The Lord ............ 92

Budda is Buddhism ........... 347

Buddhism, An Attitude of Mind ............332

Canadian Book at Adyar, A .......... 266

Case Against Vaccination .......... 246

Chicago .......... 284

Claude Bragdon, The Works of ..........26

Confidence and Peace and Security .......... 6

Consciousness without Thought .........129

Constitution, The ............ 94

Correspondence ........21, 57, 83, 115, 120, 127, 147, 210, 211, 245, 271, 286, 305, 340

Correspondence Between Islam and Christianity ........... 123

Covina Explains ......... 212

Cycle's Need, The ............89

Death, The Beneficence of ......... 186

Devastating Fears ....... 2

Disciples are Law-Abiding ............ 357

Do We Need to Study the Secret Doctrine ......... 235

Easy and The Hard, The ......... 237

Editorials ....... 2, 22, 82, 93, 132, 161, 193, 226, 257, 289, 321, 339, 353

Election, The Annual .........64

Enduring H.P.B., The ......... 374

English Philosophy, the Lineage of ........ 219

Executive, The General ...... 145, 239, 362, 367, 384

"Flowering Dusk" ........ 151

Fraternization Convention, The ........192

From an old Theosophist .........379

Gandhiji's Religion ......... 292

Gentlemen ........ 354

Good and Evil .......158

Greed and Non-Greed .......... 65

Hallowed by Thy Name ......... 226

Hand and Soul ......... 165

Hierarchies Outlined, The .......... 124

History Does Not Wait .......... 342

Homage to Ulster Author .......... 203

Hoped for in 1933 ........... 119

H.P.B. By One Who Knew Her ........231

Humanitarianism and Theosophy ........... 263

"I" .........148

Idolatry Protests .........18

Indian Situation, The .......... 300


Felix A. Belcher ......... 13

Sidney A. Cook ...........49

Professor Wood in Manilla .... 177

Order of H.P.B. ..........307

Immortal Beloved, The .......... 25

Is Buddhism a Religion? ...........348

Is There Forgiveness of Sins? ..........259

Jinarajadasa, An Open Letter to President ......... 72

Jinarajadasa, President's Quarterly Letter .....75

Krishnamurti Again ........... 282

Letter to the Federation .......... 20

Letters of Welcome .........350

Living in Four Worlds at Once ..........353

Life in Europe Today .......... 23

Lodges, Among The:

Edmonton ..........177

Montreal ........ 114, 273, 369

Toronto ..........115, 274, 338

Lotus, Symbology of the .......... 45

Magic, Introduction to ............ 178

Meditation ..........79

Meeting of East & West, The .......... 375

Mrs. Williams Blavatsky Concoction .......... 370

New Day in India, The ........... 310

New York Times and H.P.B. ......... 339

New H.P.B. in New York Times, A. ...........372

Notes on The Races ............154

Number Six, The ....... 139

Notes and Comments by the General Secretary ...... 11, 46, 78, 110, 143, 175, 207, 238, 270, 303, 333, 366.


Belcher, Felix A. .......... 12, 13, 50

Bragdon, Claude .......... 275

Chester, John C. ........ 305

Garratt, Mrs.Constance ........303

Jeans, Sir James ......... 275

Kirkegaard, Mrs. Gythia ......... 143

Wells, Herbert G. .........208

Winterbottom, Miss Myrtle ........207

Office Notes....... 17, 48, 80, 112, 144, 176, 208, 272, 304, 336, 368

Path of Prosperity, A .......... 267

Paul Deussen ............ 360

Peace - To Men of Goodwill ...........289


Around the Atom by H.L. Huxtable ....... 253

A Tragic Infancy ........352

Felix A. Belcher by Arnold Wild ........ 320

Look to The Day by H.L. Huxtable ........320

Oh You Who Pound ....... 381

Patricia by A.E.S.S. ......... 113

Refuge by Ernest Fewster ........177

The Ancient Sage by Alfred Lord Tennyson ........327

The Wheel by V.I.S. .......... 157

The Dove in the Cage by Fritz Mueller Soran .........120

The Key by Fritz Mueller Soran ........88

Triolet by A.E.S.S. ........17

President Jinarajadasa's Inaugural Address ........ 33

Proclamation, Universal Brotherhood ......... 38

Pretence or Reality? .......... 132

Professor Wood to Lecture .........146

President's Quarterly Message ......... 164

Practical or Impractical ........290

Practical Brotherhood ........... 333

Presidential Quarterly Letter ......... 363


Dual Personality of William Sharpe, A.E.S.S. .......201

Dr. Kuhn's New Book, C.J. Ryan ......186

Ferry Over Jordon, Margaret Lawrence ........188

Great Contribution to Theosophical History, A ......... 136

Judges Miscellania, A.E.S.S. ......... 142

Lychgate, Lord Dowding ........188

The Gospel of the Red Man ..........266

The Way of a Pilgrim ........... 309

The Wind and The Sea, Lionel Stevenson ........ 302

Roman Catholics Warned ........ 123

Rebirth ........322

"Religious Moderns" ......... 380

Salient Features of Buddhism .........316

Secrets of the Glands ........ 284

Shaw, George Bernard ........161

Simple Arithmetic ......... 253

Somerset Giants, The ........4

Some Past History ............. 117

Statement of Peace Lodge Policy, A ........ 135

Supper, The Last ......... 197

St. Paulys Alleged False Metaphors .......... 257

Statement of Belief, A .......... 312

Tao-Teh-King .......... 184

Theosophical Research, Report of ..........77

Things That Are Unseen, The .......... 193

Thinking and Destiny ......... 383

Theosophy in Shakespeare .........254

"Tis Adonais Calls" .......... 204

To Know Theosophy .........258

Tolerance ......... 381

Ultimates in Evolution ........ 1

United States Of, Europe .......... 251

Was The Buddha an Agnostic? ......... 349

What Is Man? ......... 85

Who is for us? Answer! .......... 104

Wisdom of the Fields, The .........173

World Diagnosis ..........194

Wells at the beginning of Insight, Mr. .......... 202

"World Without End, Amen" ........... 226

We - The Monads ......... 232

What India is for the World ....... 298

Without a Parable Spoke He Not Unto Them ............ 321

Why Belfast People Love Their City ............341


CRUTCHER, Ernest ............ 174, 186

DALZELL, N. ..........154, 237, 381

DEWEY, Mark W. 379

DUSTAN, E.B. ........ 15

DUSTAN, Margot E. ........ 13

EHRMANN, Max ........... . 79

EVANS-WENTZ, W.Y. ............. 6

FIRTH, B.G. ..........370

FREEMAN, Peter ........... 23

HAYDON, N.W.J. ......... 259

HAYES, Ernest ............. 151

HENDERSON, H . ..........132

JINARAJADASA, C. .......126, 164, 347, 363

MAJID, Inman Abdul ........... 123

MACLEOD., Fiona ........197

MYERS, Nancy E. .......... 287

ROGER, John ......... 104

ROGER, Anne Leslie .......... 190

RYAN, Charles J ............212

SCHWARTZ, G.. Bryant .......... 26

SHEARMAN, Hugh ............ 39, 341

SOMERS, Ruth .......... 42

STEELS, Harwood ............4

TIPLIN, Winifred .........9, 45

THOMSON, E.L. ........267

TRUPP, Ethel ......... 124, 158, 232, 290

WAYMAN, Alex ......... 237

WINNER, Anna K. ..........72

YOUNG, Ella ..........11