- No 1.MARCH 15th, 1942
- No 2 APRIL 15th, 1942
- No 3. May 15th 1942
- No 4. June 15th 1942
- No 5. July 15th 1942
- No 6. August 15th 1942
- No 7. September 15th 1942
- No 8. October 15th 1942 - includes obituary of G. de Purucker
- No 9. November 15th 1942
- No 10. December 15th 1942
- No 11. January 15th 1943
- No 12. February 15th 1943
Advertisements ......... 7, 27, 32, 40, 44, 51, 52, 61, 63, 64, 65, 72, 82, 87, 103, 104, 131, 136, 147, 151, 163, 166, 167, 168, 175, 190, 194, 213, 215, 218, 258, 264, 279, 319, 368, 389, 396, 400
After 2300 Years ...........254
Among the Lodges ........20, 54, 90, 122, 156, 186, 219, 249, 282, 318, 354, 385
Calgary .......219
Edmonton ........20, 156, 186, 283, 319 385
Hamilton ......... 219, 250, 283, 318
Hermes, Vancouver ......... 54
Montreal .....................248, 385
Toronto ......... 20,54, 90, 122, 126, 136, 217, 219, 282, 318, 354, 355, 385, 386
Vancouver .........186, 249
Winnipeg ..........248
West End, Toronto .......... 318, 319
Annual Audit, The, ..........315
Annual Reports, The ..........153
Anomalies of Science ............ 355
Anthony and Cleopatra, Some Striking Images in, .........114
Antiquity and Futurity of Theosophy, The .........64
Atlantean Occultism ............... 12
Atlanto-Aryan Teachings ........... 12, 37, 79, 110, 144, 176, 207, 231, 266, 312, 340, 380
Bacon-Shakespeare ............. 66
Bacon and Shakespeare ...........129
Bambi ............. 251
Battle Hymns ........... 343
Besant, Annie .......... 7, 41, 42, 43, 44, 61, 147, 166, 185, 186, 204, 218, 232, 245, 295, 319, 322, 352, 353, 363, 388, 389, 390, 391
Black Music ............ 274
Blavatsky, H.P. .......... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 23, 24, 28, 31, 34,35, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 52, 53, 56, 57, 64, 65, 70. 73, 77, 84, 88, 92, 95, 96, 97, 105, 106, 120, 121, 122, 125, 128, 147, 150, 152, 154, 159, 166, 169, 170, 171, 177, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 204, 206, 216, 219, 228, 234, 235, 245, 247, 249, 280, 286, 298, 301, 302, 303, 307, 310, 320, 321, 336, 338, 339, 353, 366, 367, 369, 377, 378, 385, 387, 388, 389, 390
Blavatsky as Seen by Violet Tweedale, H. P. ...........1
Bonggren's Authority, Dr., ..............389
Brotherhood in Industry ............ 398
Buddhism and Christianity ...........23
Calendar of 4700 Years Ago, The, ............8, 52
Cancer ............ 214
Christianity and the New Age .............63
Chosen People, The, .................................... 126
Codd's Honorarium, Miss, .............161
Comenius ..............78
Correspondence ..... 44, 129, 190, 291, 320, 388
Courtenay, Dr. Thomas ..........210
Deeds, Not Dollars ............130
Desecrating Fingers ..............388
Dilemma of Modern Times ..............260
Dreiser's Visit ..............252
Editorials .......16, 17, 18, 26, 33, 41, 50, 52, 66, 73, 88, 96, 103, 105, 120, 123, 128, 130. 147, 152, 158, 162, 184, 188, 189, 191, 192, 203, 210, 214, 216, 218, 224, 226, 228, 231, 233, 248, 251, 255, 265, 276, 280, 311, 316, 319, 323, 327, 337, 355, 356, 358, 359, 386, 388, 389
Education and Culture ............... 105
Election, The Annual .. ............ 18, 385
Executive, The General .................53, 157, 250, 383
Fairy Crosses ............ 129
Fellowship of Love, The, ............... 24
Few Really Accept Karma ............180
Finger of the Law in Britain's Colossal Zodiac ........... 34
For the Good of the Comman Man ...............345
Fortean World, The, .............................. 91
Fraternization Convention, 1942, ..........19, 54, 86, 123, 384
General Secretary's Report ..........149
Gita on the Radio ...........322
Golden Calf, The, ...............273
He Was Doing Good .............55
Heart With No Bitterness, A, ............137
H. P. B.'s Photographs ............166
How to See in the Dark ...............278
Humanism and the Making of the Future ............ 287, 317, 331
Courtenay, Dr. Thomas .......... 211
Judge, William Quan, .........41
Ogilby, Mrs. Elizabeth ...........213
Stokes, H.N. ..............353
Zodiacal Effigies of the Temple of the Stars ............9
Important Note ...........18
In Life and Action ........................ 297
India, Sir Stafford Cripps' Address on, .......47
Indian Situations, Review of, .........44, 85
Indian Culture ............224
Inner Life, The, .......................................... 58
Intention and Survival ..............367
Ionosphere, The, ............... 67
Is Free Will a Delusion? ...............228
Jewish Ideas of Rebirth ................. 271
Judge, Wm. Q., .......... 41, 42, 43, 44, 52, 87, 97, 114, 120, 121, 122, 149,
155, 280, 390
Judge, William Quan, ...............41, 87
Karma and Fate .............83
Liberty and the Backbiters ..............187
Living Christ, The, ................... 311
Lodges, The Canadian ..............90, 136, 153, 168
Magazines, The, ........228, 251, 284, 336, 354, 386
Modern Conflict and Racial Karma .............55
"My Redeemer Liveth" .............373
Mystery Scroll and Its Key, A, .............276
Nature's Ethical Side .............158
Bannister, Rupert Theodore ........... 317
Bayley, Jessie ......... 53
Chetty, Rao Saheb G.Soobiah ............336
Datta, Hirendranath .................... 281
Davids, Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys ...........252, 281
Fussell, Joseph ................................. 120, 155
Knechtol, Geraldine .......... 219
Lane, William Arbuthnot ..........384
Panin, Ivan ..........280, 283
Petrie, William Matthew Flinders ............179, 185
Purucker, Gottfried de ........... 234
Pryse, James Morgan ..........122, 157, 184
Stephen, Alexander Maitland ............ 189, 283
Stokes, H. N. .......... 319
Tristram, Mrs. .............................. 157
Waite, Arthur Edward ............. 188
Younghusband, Francis Edward .............200, 218
O Canada ............ 62
Occultism of St. Paul, The, ...... 199
Office Notes .......16, 52, 88, 120, 152, 184, 216, 248, 280, 316, 352, 384
Olcott, H.S., ...... 41, 42, 43, 44, 121, 147, 245, 320, 322, 377, 378
On the Threshold ............ 74, 106, 140, 172, 219, 256, 291, 328, 360, 390
One Secondless Principle .......369
Our Brotherhood ....................... 66
Our Soeiety and the Common Level ..........137
Paragraphs 44, 130, 151, 179,192, 206, 296, 324, 330, 336, 363
Pathway of Deeds, The, ..........364
A Monkey's Viewpoint .................. 279
Dawns and Dusks, by William Shrimpton ........27
Soliloquy, by Lemuel C. Teeple ...........183
Sparks from the Anvil, by Freida Dunlop........... 167
The Widows of Le Havre, by Albert E. S. Smythe ............. 201
Year's End, by Albert E. S. Smythe .........351
Peace Lodge and Pacifism ..........119
Pre-Genesis Story of the Flood ............323
Prophecies, Modern Eastern .......... 71
Psychism, The Threat of, ..........169, 186, 297, 337
Red Indian Lore, Some, .........98
Red Man's Guardian Spirit, The, ..........167
Reincarnation .........238
Relics ............123
"A Mystery Scroll and Its Key" .........276
"Man in Evolution" .........96
"The Bible of the World" .......... 128
The Cosmic Christ" ..........153
The House of the Other World ..........226
The Kamala Lectures ...........224
The Marriage of Elizabeth Tudor ..........358
The Psychic Bridge ......................... 226
The Shakespeare Sonnets .........192
"The Soul of the Universe" ..........158
What Lies Beyond? .........227
Will Europe Follow Atlantis?" .........158, 191
Wisdom in Practice ..........396
Russia and Religion .......246
Russia, A Tribute to, .........164
Russia's Secret Weapon ........ 182
Right Views versus Wrong Views ........297
Second Advent, Reflections on the, ........ 69
Science, Theosophy and Modern, ..........127
Secret Doctrine Study .........245
Secret Doctrine, The, ..........73
Shakespeare, The Secret, ..........21
Shakespearian Acrostics ............359
Solar Energy and the Age of the Sun .............28
Standing of the Lodges ............153
Statement of Funds .......................... 153
Study, A Method of Lodge, ........... 357
Temple of York, To His Grace, Dr. ..........33
That "Third Eye" .........31
Theosophical Bequests ............183
Theosophist, A Prominent ............26
Theosophists and the World Conflict .........269
Theosophy and the Modern World 28, 67, 132, 195, 260, 287, 331, 364, 397
Theosophy in Australia ..........320
Theosophy and Science ..........278
"Theosophy: What it is" ............... 203
Threat of Psychism, The, ..........169, 186, 297, 337
Three Truths, The, ..........36, 131, 168, 247, 286, 315, 351
Tibetan Book of the Dead .......... 169
To Help the Common Man ............324, 345
To Young Theosophists .............233
U.L.T. Annual Letter, The, .........148
Ultimate Values ........... 111
Understanding ............65
Voice of the Silence, The, .........190
War, The, ........ 26, 50, 103, 131, 162, 194, 231, 255, 265, 327, 356, 394
War and the Gita ............265
Wealth and its Measure ..........132
Wealth, The Flow of, .............195
What's Sanscrit to This? .........279
White Lotus Day............ 52
Without Distinction of Color ..........247, 248
Wisdom of China and. India ..................... 397
Worship of the "Virgin Mary"' .............386
Zodiac ............8, 34, 121
Arundale, George S., ...........53, 274
Bailey, John K., ..........315
Barker, A. Trevor ..........66
BeDell, Dwight Warren ...........127
Belcher, Felix A., ...........245
Blavatsky. H.P., ..........369
Bonggren, Jacob ............389
C--, J.D., ......................................... 187
Carr, Mabel .........58
Cripps, Sir Stafford, ...........47
Crump, Basil .............169
Cook, Sidney A., ....... 161
Davies, Blodwen ...............287, 331
Dreamer, The, (see Upendra Nath Basu)
Evans-Wentz, W.F., ..........297
Franklin, Jay ..........273
Grant, R. L., ..............55
Harcourt, Olive ................ 271
Haydon, Nathaniel W.J., 31, 238, 322, 373
Hosler, George .................. 126
Henderson, Hildegarde ...........190, 339
Holm, R. F., .........12, 37, 79, 110, 144, 176, 207, 234, 266, 312, 340, 370
Inman, Janet ...........21
John, Myrtie ................65
Knapp, Gertrude ........62
Lanz, Ernest E., .............. 157
M. M. ....................... 291
Maltwood, K. E., ..... 8, 34
Marks, Kathleen ............ 19, 54, 86
Morris, R.A.V., .............228
Morton, A.A. ..............23
Neff , Mary K., ..........320
Pandia, Durai Pal, ..........117
Pease, W.B., ............ 247
Polak, H.S.L., ...........44, 85
Reade, John Collingwood ............252
Resta, Enrico ............. 167
Reynolds, Ella J., ........343
Reynolds, Quentin ............... 246
Rowell, Alberta Jean .............................. 83, 114
Steele, Flora Macdonald .........1
Sutherland, W. Frank .......28, 67, 69, 132, 195, 260, 364, 367, 397, 398
Thompson, Dorothy ............. 164
Thorn, H.F., ...............137
Tibbits, K., ..........183
Upendra Nath Basu .........74, 106, 140, 172, 219, 256, 291, 328, 360, 390
Wallace, Henry Agard ...........324, 345
Wayman,. Alex., ..........180, 269
Woods, Charlotte ............... 199
Whittaker, Elsa ................................ 55, 91