- No 1.MARCH 15th, 1939
- No 2 APRIL 15th, 1939
- No 3. May 15th 1939
- No 4. June 15th 1939
- No 5. July 15th 1935
- No 6. August 15th 1935
- No 7. September 15th 1935
- No 8. October 15th 1935
- No 9. November 15th 1935 - No copy
- No 10. December 15th 1935
- No 11. January 15th 1936
- No 12. February 15th 1936
About Lower Manas ............ 204
Advertisements ............. 32, 47, 53, 54, 66, 79,, 96, 100, 111, 117, 143, 160, 166, 181, 184, 187, 202, 219, 236, 246, 251, 256, 267, 278, 303, 311, 320, 323, 329, 352, 367, 375
Adyar, Glimpses of ...............262
AE, A Letter from .............. 9
Alchemy .................95
Among the Lodges ...............20, 96, 121, 150, 179, 206, 243, 271, 320, 344, 382
Hamilton ............21, 150, 206, 243
Kitchener .............. 243, 271
Montreal ............ 384
Toronto.... 20, 96, 121, 150, 179, 207, 243, 271, 273, 320, 344, 383, 384
Vancouver ...........179, 206
Victoria ............ 208
Winnipeg ............150
Another Point of View .............312
A New Ray ............. 320
A Noble and Sublime Field ...........353
Anthropological Notes ................. 318
Apocalypse, Chapter XVIII ................. 23
Approach of Modern Science to Theosophy, The ................... 260
Architecture of the Earth, The ............ 93
Auditor's Report .............380
Back to Christianity ............ 379
Bailey, Tribute to Mrs. ............ 58
Beatrice Hastings on the F.H.P.B. ...........289
Becoming, The River of ...........66
Bickering, To End ..........376
Blavatsky, H. P. ........ 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 24, 25, 29, 34, 35, 39, 40, 42, 49, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 95, 105, 109, 110, 111, 112, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 146, 147, 151, 152, 153, 158, 177, 178, 182, 183, 192, 194, 196, 199, 201, 210, 211, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 226, 232, 233, 238, 240, 242, 256, 258, 276, 279, 280, 282, 283, 289, 290, - 291, 295, 305, 306, 310, 312, 313, 316, 323, 337, 338, 345, 348, 3550, 354, 357, 366, 370, 373, 379, 380
Blood Groups and Karma ............ 220
Book Shelf, A Student's ..............15
Boycott, Does not Favour a ...........153
"Brother XII" ................ 170
Brotherhood, True ......................................... 364
Buddhist Relics in Museum .............. 5
Business Cycles and Astrology ............. 286
Canadian Lodges ............ 128, 143, 145, 207, 251
Can Life be Re-created? ............254
Christ, The Life of .............154
Christianity - A Continuing Life ............348
Church at the Cross-Roads, The ................ 62
Collecting Lodge Dues ................ 54
Common Good, The ............ 218
Correspondence ......... 9, 15, 21, 54, 90, 122, 152, 255, 282, 301, 312, 345, 364, 376
Creative Lie, The Land of the ................ 78
Darwin versus Lamarck ............. 189
Dawn of a New Era, The ..............1, 114
Defied the Buddha Legend ............236
Detroit Convention, The ..........230
Digging Up Old Bones ............ 225
Earthquakes, More About ....................... 381
Earthquakes, The Astrology of ........... 382
Editorials ............ 1, 5, 25, 32, 34, 41, 46, 56, 59, 97, 117, 140, 170, 193, 204,
225, 247, 257, 288, 308, 314, 333, 343, 362
Elections, The Annual ............ 15, 46, 113, 367
English View, An ..........299
Errata ........... 96, 336
Evidence About Vols. III and IV of "The Secret Doctrine," New ........... 39
Evolution According to Theosophy ..........194, 227, 267, 291, 324, 354
Evolution of Man, The ..........224
Executive, The General ............ 15, 86, 149, 246, 308, 339, 367
Finland, About ........................ 378
Finland and Russia ............ 352
Fraternization Convention, The .......... 48, 80, 91, 160, 176, 180, 199, 209, 212, 230, 240, 304, 375
Friends of Blavatsky ...........59, 89, 114, 146, 241, 289, 337
From the General Secretary .............. 343
Geology and the Secret Doctrine ............ 28
Hatred Dying Out ............... 378
Hitler and the Prophets ............... 257
Hitler's Last Year of Power .................. 281, 329
India or Japan ............ 256
Irish Argument, An ................ 22
Jinarajadasa, Champions Mr. ............. 303
Jiriarajadasa's Address to Members .............329
William Q. Judge .........15, 34, 35, 40, 76, 77, 84, 88, 123, 153, 225, 240, 252, 301, 302, 321, 323, 337, 346, 346
Judge, William Quan ................ 34
Learning, The New ................ 64
Literature and Dates ............... 313
Magazine, Tributes to the ................17, 336, 338, 368, 370
Man and the Anthropoids ....................... 285
Mars and Its Canals .................. 252
Maud Crafter Replies .......................................... 341
Mayan and Hindu Chronology ..................... 188
Missing S.D. Mss. Mystery, The ............214, 282
More Light on S. D., Vols. III and IV ..............216
Beckett, Miss ............ 208
Bethune, Norman ........... 335
Carr, John ..............272
Cattanach, Andrew Petrie .............117
Coleman, Prof. Arthur P. ............. 32
Coyne, Mrs. .............176
Dower, Charles H. ...........176
Dumbray, Christopher ............... 243
Ellis, Havelock ..............186
Goddard, Dwight ...............273
Goff, John ..................85
Hargrove, Ernest Temple .............84
Harter, George ..............48
Jones, James Edmund ............147
Lang, Mrs. Jessie Cochrane .............49
Lewis, H. Spencer ............277
Logan, Mrs. Robert ............17
Norman, Edith .............277
Sale, Mrs. Julian ................ 12
Susuki, Beatrice .............277
Titus, Mrs. Flora G.C ............85
Wilson, Edward A. (Brother XII) ............... 170
Yeats, W. B. ................. 6
Younger, William Alfred .............150
Office Notes ........... 16, 48,.80, 112, 144, 176, 208, 240, 272, 304 ,336, 368
H. S. Olcott ................43, 56, 110, 152, 182, 184, 279
Oneness of Mankind, The ................. 11
Open-minded Theosophy ............................ 256
Organization and Class Work ............... 333
Nature Takes a Hand ...............350
Niagara Secret Doctrine Class ..............13, 51, 77
"No Case: Abuse the Attorney" ......... 55
No Missing Volumes of the Secret Doctrine................ 73
Pandia, Visit of Dr. .........53, 81, 111, 129, 140, 146, 150, 175, 209, 240, 242, 244, 245
Paragraphs ........... 5, 10, 14, 26, 60, 64, 122, 149, 153, 173, 186, 192, 207,
237, 239, 248, 252, 291, 332, 334
Passing the Bouquet ...............122
Pedigree of Man, The ............... 2, 36,69, 105,133, 167
Peking in the Tropics .............61
Petty Squabbling .............................. 377
Philanthropy and Theosophists ...............21
Atma, by Naida B. Holland ............ 47
Clay Tablets, by John Allen ................128
Ireland, by Gilbert P. Williamson ................252
Song of the Persecuted, (translated from Sallet) ............... 123
The Mystic, by Richard Heinemann ........... 335
Point Loma Land Deal .................120
Poles, the Magnetic ............................................ 29
Kinman, George I ........... 345
Pandia, Dr. D. P. .......... 53
Practical Problems of Youth in America ............202
Prateyka Buddhas, The ..............379
Primeval Cartilaginous Fish .................44
Pryse taken to Task, Mr. ..................109
Questionnaire Answered ............... 136
Questionnaire, The ......... 284, 376
Quiz .............60, 121, 142, 183, 213, 252, 317, 346, 384
Radical Pronouncement, A .............237
Random Notes ........................... 182
Refugees, Ill-starred .............. 90,148,174, 210
Reincarnation ..............100
Blossoms, by J. K. Gardner ........14
Chronology of the Mahatma Letters, by Margaret Conger .......... 316
Destiny Island, by Charles M. Hale ..........127
Evolution of Man's Mind, by Arthur A. Beale .......... 288
Gospel of Healthy-Mindedness, by Charles Wase .......... 219
Hitler's Last Year of Power, by Leonard Blake .......... 281
Lectures on the Bhagavad Gita, by D. S. Sarma .......... 249
The Finding of the Third Eye, by Vera Stanley Alder ......... 126
The Gita and Spiritual Life, by D. S. Sarma ......... 249
The Initiation of the World, by Vera Stanley Alder ...........280
The Inner Reality, by Paul Brunton ......... 123
The Secret Sciences, by Hans Liebstoecki ............316
The Sermon on the Mount, by Emanet Fox ..............315
The Unseen Presence, by Walter W. Raymond .........14
Where Theosophy and Science Meet, edited by D. D. ganga, Part III...279
Your Unknown Doctor, by Rolf Alexander ............359
Royal Visit, The ........... 97
Rules, There were Such ..............345
Same Old Story, The .................................. 87
Science, A New Approach to ............156
Science to Theosophy, The Approach of ............. 260
Scientists Boycott Germany and Italy .............. 30
Secret Doctrine, Vols. III and IV....39, 73,83, 109 147, 152, 214, 216, 276, 277, 279, 232
"See and Hold Fast" ............. 187
Seeking "Mastery"............................... 155
Serpent of Wisdom Proverb ..............238
Shakspere Mystery, The .............. 41
Some Old Boston Bones ................301
Spanish Refugees ............. 45
Standing of the Lodges ................145
"Stateless" of Modern Europe, The .............. 27
Statement of Funds ................................ 145
Struggle for Existence, The ...............33
Subscribers to The Canadian Theosophist, To all: .............311
Summer Reading for Theosophists .............151
Theosophy in Action ...................................... 362
Theosophy and Education .............. 42
Theosophy as Ethics ...........129
Theosophy and Ethics ............................... 161
Theosophy on the Fence? Is .............. 92
Theosophy and the Modern World ............27, 61, 93, 154, 188, 220, 253, 285, 318, 348, 389
The Three Truths ................92, 123, 187
This Hatred ................................. 184
Those Two Non-Existent Volumes ............. 279
To Hear but to Denounce ............. 91
Two Great Gita Books .................. 249
U.S.-Canada "Merger" ............... 40
Visitor's Impressions, A ...............199
Wants no Change ............... 312
Wants Theosophy .............. 377
War, The ................. 247, 314
War, The Arbitrament of ..............193
Water Divining ............... 8
Wesak Time, Holy ............... 51
Wilks Speaks for the West, Dr. .................310
Within the Circle ............................... 25
What Shall Theosophists Do? ........... 321
Whitmania ................ 96
Working of the Law, The ............... 153
Yeats, Death of W. B. ................ 6
Young Theosophists .............. 18, 54, 202, 297, 369
Youth and Religion .................. 65
Youth and Theosophy ............. 297
Youth in Fellowship ...............270
Youthful Spirit, The ..............347
Barr, Dudley W. .......... 339, 376
Belcher, Felix A. .............. 64, 154, 339
Besant, Annie .............. 2, 36, 69, 105, 133, 167
Bonggren, Jacob E. ................ 345
Clark, Wm. C. ...........364
Codd, Clara M. ............153
Cousins, James H. ...................42
Crafter, Maud E. ................. 90, 341
Crump, Basil 39,44, 214, 216, 238
Davies, Blodwen ................................ 220
Dawson, Mrs. E. M. ...............22
Dustan, M. E. ...............27
Emsley, Albert ...............297
Griffiths, W. A. .................54, 284
Hale, Charles M. .............23
Hamerster, A. J. ..............55
Hastings, Beatrice .................. 87, 289
Haydon, Nathaniel W.J. ............... 254, 256, 313
Heinemann, Richard ...............202, 260
Henderson, Hildegarde ...............109, 255, 311, 312, 379
Henkel, Anita .................. 362
Hick, Walter R. ................339
Hillard, Katharine ............194, 227, 267, 291, 324, 354
Hubbard, T. S. ............... 91, 155
Hughes, Robert A. ...............329
Humphreys, Christmas ...........66
Kinman, George I. ..............339
Kinman, Mary ..............58
Kunz, Fritz ................303
Lawrie, Thomas B. ....................15
Lazenby, Charles ................100, 161
Le Gros, G. Cardinal ..............91, 180
Marcault, J. Emile .................45
Marks, Kathleen ............................................ 65
Marquand, Jeffrey Le .................377
McMaster, W. A. ...............122
McVittie, J. I. .................... 270
Middleton, E. Kathleen ..............92, 378
Minsky, Sol. ...................54
Modenski, B. M. ....................21
Morton, Anna A . .................379
Norman, E. J. ..............28
Pandia, Das P. ............129, 245
Pratt, Stanley .......................... 312
Pryse, James Morgan ................. 33, 73, 182, 279
Purucker, Gottfried D. ..............353
Richardson, Alice D. ...............13, 51, 77
Salanave, Miriam ..............51, 151
Somers, Ruth ...............348
Spence, William G. .................378
Steele, Flora Macdonald ................186
Stewart, W. ..............................218
Sturdy, E. T. ...............152
Sutherland W. Frank. ......29, 30, 61, 93, 95, 156, 188, 189, 224, 253, 285, 286, 318, 320, 350, 381
Thomas, R. H. .............62
Walker, Jessie E. ...............382
Whittaker, Elsa ..............136, 378
Wilks, Washington E. .............. 310, 341, 376
Willard, Cyrus Field .............8, 301, 321
Williams, Cecil .............282
Williams, Jeffrey ................................ 174