- No 1.MARCH 15th, 1949
- No 2 APRIL 15th, 1949
- No 3. May 15th 1949
- No 4. June 15th 1949
- No 5. July 15th 1949
- No 6. August 15th 1949
- No 7. September 15th 1949
- No 8. October 15th 1949
- No 9. November 15th 1949
- No 10. December 15th 1949
- No 11. January 15th 1950
- No 12. February 15th 1950
Allan, Dr. E.L........165
Among the Lodges
Montreal Lodge ........26, 169, 185
Toronto Lodge....... 26, 59, 185
Edmonton Lodge ....... 121
Annual Elections, The ....... 9, 84
Annual Report of the General Secretary ..... 87
Anti-Hate Centre at Harvard....... 6
Arteche, F......... 17
"At Peace With My Neighbour’s Truth" .........165
Barr, Dudley W......... 15, 31, 33, 123, 161
Blavatsky, H.P. in 1950....113
Blavatsky, H.P.........81, 145, 186
Catechism of the Spiritual Life.......... 37, 52, 78
Christmas Then and Now .....145
Codd, Clara M .. ....20
Colour, A Psychological and Curative View of ........... 85
Correspondence....... 59, 76, 111, 140, 155, 156, 188, 190
Dalzell, Mrs. N........ 13, 60
Denunciation A Duty, Is?...... 178
Discernment and Criticism........ 61
Earth's Evolution and Revolution, The ........ 58
Election of Grace ........... 177
Esoteric Numerology .......158
Eternal Parent, The ....... 1
Fountain, E........ 85
Future of The Theosophical Society, The ........ 81
Future Unlimited ............. 67
General Election...... 26
General Executive, The .......26, 42, 90, 134, 184
Harcourt, Olive ............. 158
Haydon, N.W.J.............. 93
Hodson, G............... 106
Huxtable, H.L............ 48, 122
Hypnotism - A Psychological Degradation .............. 43
Incarnating .................. 15
Individualism and Humanitarianism in Buddhism ................ 171
Jinarajadasa, C........... 10, 65, 69, 124, 171
Karma, A Reconsideration of ..........116, 129
Karma and Mr.Furze Morrish........138
Kinman, Mrs. G.I......... 26, 185
Kritzer, J. Haskell, M.D......... 43
Kuhn, Alvin Boyd, PH.D............116, 129,
Light of the World ....... 170
Light, The................ 13
Literary Jottings ........... 35
Lowell, James R.............. 73
Maha Chohan's Letter, Some Comments on the ........ 10
Mangala......... 37, 52, 78
Mediumship and Mediatorship............ 4
Members, A Talk to ................. 124
Morrish, L. Furze ........... 83
Mystical Poetry of Arthur Stringer, The ............. 97
Nash, Ellen Margaret ........... 149
New Year and New Cycle ............. 161
Nirvana ................. 60
Norman, E.J. Dr. ................ 1
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary ....... 7, 39, 54, 71, 103, 135, 151, 167
Mrs.Alice A. Bailey....... 169
Mrs. Anna Fox..... 71
Mrs. F. Hall ....... 135
Mr. Edwin Harper...... 121
Mrs. Maime McChristy ...... 7
Miss Elizabeth Morris.... 71
Mr. John L. Purdy ............. 18
Mrs. G. Slater ............ 71
Mrs. G. Waterfield .......... 183
Oedipus Myth, Was Freud Mistaken about the ........... 29
Office Notes .......... 8, 24, 40, 56, 72, 88, 104, 120, 136, 152, 168
Oltcher, Mrs. Olive .............. 29, 173
One Law and "God" .......... 49
Open Mind, The ........ 142
Oppenheimer, Dr. J. Robt. ......... 142
Criminal...... 14
Religion......... 73
The Fullness of Time........ 29
The Web............ 48
Yet Would I Give .... 122
Pomeroy, Elsie ........... 97
President at Toronto........ 69
Problem, The Great.......... 17
Racial Prejudices and some Modern Books ......... 94, 101
Raga, Dr. C. Kunhan .......... 76
Realism in Sankara .......... 76
Reincarnation, Some Reflections on ....... 173
Rowell, Alberta Jean .... 94, 101
Reviews and Notes:
1. Your Guide to Philosophy
2. The Mystery of Life and Death
3. Human Destiny
4. Savious and Philosophers
5. Pythagoras
6. The God of Exodus
7. The Philosophy of Art...... 12
Always the Bubble Breaks......... 75
Ancient and Modern Physics ............ 12
Gems from the East ............ 12
I Say Sunrise ...........121
Introductory Study in Theosophy ......... 13
Lead Kindly Light ........... 108
Myth of the Magus ..... 110
Nature's Magic ........... 13
Questions We All Ask........ 13
The Dialogues of G. de Purucker ...... 13
The Imperishable Body.......... 13
The Mystery of Birth .......... 75
The Ritual of Higher Magic.......... 11
The Story of the Soul in East and West ............. 31
The Vital Magnetic Healing............. 13
Self-Sacrifice ........... 143
Sentimentality, -Karma and Selective Thinking .......... 83
Shearman, Hugh, Dr............. 170
Standing of Lodges ....... 89
Statement of Funds ............ 89
Stephens, James ............... 29
Suppose ................. 70
Theosophical Society - its Purpose .......... 106
Thomas, D.B............ 177
Thompson, J.......... 14
Thou Shalt Not Covet ............ 123
Thought, Creative Energy .................. 149
Tiplin, Winifred ..................... 67
Transfer of Pictures .................... 154
Try ........................... 115
Two Opinions ...................... 93
United Lodge of Theosophists, The .............. 74
Way of Truth in Theosophy............. 65
The Weightier Matters of the Law, The .............. 20
White Lotus Day 1949 .............. 33
Whitman, Walt ............... 93, 115
Wood, Emory P.............. 143, 175
Wood, Ernest ............................ 49
Zirkoff, Boris de ........ 113